Social Development through Storytelling at Heritage Sites and Museums

Document Type : Academic peer-reviewed articles



Storytelling has very old routes and history which dates back to the ancient times. Before the inventing of writing, the oral storytelling was very important for social experiences and edutainment. Recently, storytelling can be used in museums to improve the writing skills, literacy and listening skills as it offers an opportunity of learning without teaching. In order to create a story, data about collections should be correctly gathered to organize them and form a story. Then, the last step of choosing the medium of narration is needed which vary according to many factors. The digital mediums of telling stories can be widely used in different fields. In the field of heritage, digital storytelling can work on the improvement of education, cultural mediation and tourism. Unfortunately, digital storytelling is facing a range of challenges like the cost and technical problems. In order to form a good story, EMOTIVE association has set a number of guidelines addressing the plot as a core of any story.
