The Role of the Museums in Lifelong Learning for Adults

Document Type : Academic peer-reviewed articles


Museums have a deep impact on lifelong learning process where they are active tools to enhance social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development. The biggest argument that raises doubt over lifelong learning process in museums is the quality of the experiences presented by the museums. At the beginning of the 19th century, new ideas developed and museums were used for educating and enlightening the general public in order to civilize people and make the societies better1 .Thereby, they were given the role of serving as one of the societies’ main cultural institutions. Museums are also to serve as resources for all humankind, to increase knowledge and to nourish the human spirit for posterity.2 This paper tackles the experience of lifelong learning presented by museums, and how this experience significantly outweighs the issues, challenges and disadvantages of lifelong learning especially on adults and children literacy
