Interpreting Heritage to School Children through Oral Storytelling Performances in Museums and Historic Sites

Document Type : Academic peer-reviewed articles


This paper aims to study the possibility of communicating heritage to school children and raising their awareness about it using the oral storytelling performance method (OSP). The methodology is based on reviewing the different forms of heritage-based storytelling in live performances and establishing initial guidelines for OSP that may be applied in the framework of extra-curricular, out-of-school heritage programs targeting school children and held in different historic venues.


Despite the local and global interest in studying, conserving, and preserving Egyptian heritage, the use of the unlimited potential of this rich heritage in introducing Egyptians to their history and civilization has not yet been satisfactorily accomplished. This cultural wealth can be used as an effective educational tool for non-traditional teaching of history to young Egyptians in order to raise their awareness of their heritage and create a strong connection with it